Monday, September 20, 2010

Family Pic

Well I would say I think it's about time that we had a family picture taken. The only sad thing was that it was only taken because Ethan had to take it to school when he was talking about family. I will have to say we will be taking some more family pictures within the next couple months so that we will have some beautiful christmas cards!

Ethan's first day of School

We decided to put Ethan in school this year. He goes 3 days a week from 9 - 1. He absolutely loves it. He wishes he could go everyday.

Rainy Day Fun

One rainy day Amber decided she was going to let Ethan play in the rain. Shortly after Loralei followed. They had the best time. Of course playing outside without shoes has it's disadvantages.

Another trip to the beach

While Alisha was home for a couple weeks this summer, we headed to the beach for a day. It was a fast trip and kinda rainy but it was definately was worth the trip.

Of Course I can't forget Loralei and her everyday face :)

Sleep Much???

I know it's been forever since I have posted pics so be prepared for overload. Somehow or another my kids always find the craziest postions to sleep.